How to Improve Your Page Rankings with SEO Copywriting

How to Write a Well Converting SEO Copy

What is SEO Copywriting? A Search Engine Copywriter creates content that is appealing to both search engines and human readers. This new way of writing for the web must be done correctly, or the practice may be frowned upon. Put simply, SEO copywriting rewrites existing text for new uses. The content created by SEO copywriters, to put it plainly, thrives on targeted keywords. Most people would think to pull out their Thesaurus in order to find synonyms of keywords to stuff their copy with, but this is the wrong approach and won't help you rank in the search engines.

This practice doesn't work because your content must have the right density of words or else it will be considered as spam by all the major search engines. Therefore, you must always be aware of your keyword density when SEO copywriting. Also, SEO copywriting differs from the regular copywriting because here your aim is to not only write for the search engines but also for the human readers who are looking for unique information. This form of writing is not really difficult but it does have a learning curve. Given below are a few effective tips that can help you on your road to efficient Search engine copywriting.

For long term results, you must maintain a high content to code ratio when it comes to your SEO. What on Earth does that mean? Put in simple terms, your content to code ratio is the balance of text and code within your page. Check the source code on your page, which will show you the HTML code, so that you can determine what your balance currently is. Your text must be higher than the HTML code, to get a good ratio. Search engines totally love this if you get it right. Make sure your site is clean, with more content and less code, and you'll rank better with the search engines.

Now that we know the do's, there are things you'll want to avoid when writing web copy. Avoid flash as it really inhibits your goal of high ranking. Flash doesn't go along with SEO in any way. The sooner you realize that Flash doesn't' go with SEO in anyway, the better. Search engines are unable to read Flash and that's not to mention the fact that it takes forever to load.

Flash this post files contain information that won't be able to be indexed by the Search Engines, thus making them useless to SEO results. The entire concept of search engine optimization is to make your content more readable for the search engines. Flash hire a professional copywriter will drive away your traffic, which means it's not a good idea to use on your site.

Images are usually described with captions which are ignored by readers. However, you must remember that Google does understand pictures and how they can be used.

Therefore, adding captions is vital and they must begin with the keywords you are targeting to help Google make sense of what you are trying to achieve. In conclusion, writing for the search engines should be your topmost priority if you want your site to rank well and get organic traffic that converts.

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